I learned today that Lawrence Fong fell and hit his head last Wednesday and had emergency brain surgery later that night. It was not a triathlon related accident and as of this point it is unclear as to why he fainted and hit his head. My prayers are with Lawrence, his wife Beth and all of his family. Lawrence, as membership director, was a conspicuous presence at most L.A Tri Club events. He organized a Wednesday night training run that I participated in every once in a while and he has given me much advice on my Ironman Training. Both Lawrence and Beth were also training for Ironman Arizona. I assume that that is no longer in the plans. Two weeks ago, as I finished the Soma Half Iron Triathlon, Lawrence was at the finish line and was the first person to congratulate me on finishing.
Please join me in praying for a complete recovery.
Our small group bible study will pray for your friend, and for you. m&d
Beth divorced him and is back to using her maiden name Beth Kallok.
So much for "death do us part" or "in sickness and in health".
Why do people even get married anymore?
A year after Lawrence accident she was already with a Team in Trainig guy. She is now pregnant...was a shock!!!
Don't judge her. Beth is a wonderful person who stood by him during dark hours. Lives change...can you imagine what she went through? Put yourselves in her shoes before you say negative things. He may not be here if it weren't for her!
People making comments on things concerning Beth and her situation with Lawrence need to get their facts straight before putting things on the internet. As usual, someone with the wrong information has the biggest mouth, so to speak. You should be ashamed of yourself who ever you are.
people who lie, cheat and have double lives ultimately get what they deserve...loneliness. don't open your mouth if you don't know what your talking about.
Who cheated? Him or her?
This thread is hilarious. I went to high school with Beth and she was not only a bully; she was part of a group of kids who went out of their way to bully underclassmen who were considered unpopular. This group even had a name, the Country Harvest Club. They formed at a Country Harvest Buffet restaurant as a response to anti-hazing measures that our high school had taken in response to hazing. Their mission was to haze the younger kids anyways, regardless of the school’s position.
After witnessing Beth and her Country Harvest Club bully several students, I was angry, and decided to vent on an AOL message board (this was 1997) about this group of bullies. Beth apparently saw the comments that I had left about her friend group and wasn’t too thrilled. One night, she and I happened to be at the same pizza place. She cornered me as I left the pizza place and began to threaten me. She told me that if I continued badmouthing her, bad things would happen to me, leaving me to infer that the Country Harvest Club would cause physical harm to me. I never posted anything online again about any of this until now.
Reading this thread has made my day. I don’t know anything about her marriage, but I know all too well what type of person Beth is. This is only one story. I could tell more, but I’ll be here all fucking day.
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