Tuesday, December 29, 2009

L.A Marathon Pace Timing Again

I signed up for a second year to be a pace timer at the L.A. Marathon. You can read about my adventure in 2009 here. I hope I am able to get in to do it again. It was a great experience last year.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Second Anniversary

Today marks the second anniversary of The Great Magnetic Field. This time last year I was contemplating whether to continue the blog and I decided to keep going, so I guess I will keep going for a third year. Being a new home and dog owner are taking up a lot more time than triathlon these days, but this has slowly become a more general interest blog anyway. I will post Triathlon related and other stuff here as it arises and you can always check out puppy progress at From Out Of The West...The Tales Of Rango.

I am looking forward to what 2010 brings.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

The New House

I have not been blogging much at The Great Magnetic Field primarily because The Great Magnetic Wife, our new dog, Rango, and I have moved. This takes a lot of time. This is a picture of our lovely new home in Sun Valley.