The Ironman Arizona is less than six months away and my run with the L.A. Leggers this morning was a reminder of how far I have to go to be ready. We ran seven miles, at one time that would have been easy, but it was rough today. I will run a couple more this afternoon after I do about thirty on the bike.
I am putting together my training plan and have decided that I should do a fall marathon. My choices are the Pasadena Marathon on November 16, the New York City Marathon on November 2, the Toronto Marathon on October 19, and the Long Beach Marathon on October 12.
All things being equal, my first choice would be Pasadena. It is the inaugural event, I could be a legacy runner. It is close by, no travel, hotel, etc. I have family roots in Pasadena, my Father and Grandfather were born there, my Great Grandfather was the mayor, but alas, it is only a week prior to the Ironman Arizona. There would not be enough time to recover.
My second choice was New York. It's huge, nationally known, we have a place to stay. It is probably a week later than would be ideal, but still far enough away from the Ironman Arizona for full recovery. Alas, I received an email yesterday that informed me that I did not get in. The NYC Marathon is so big that they have to limit participants. One can qualify, however, I am not nearly fast enough to do so. They also have a lottery. It cost $11.00 to enter, but I figured my chances were decent. Certainly a better investment than going down to my local 7-11 and spending $11.00 on the California Lottery.
I'm still trying to decide between Toronto and Long Beach. My sister lives in the Toronto area and even though she and her husband will be away in Florence, Italy, we will still be able to stay at their house. However there is the expense of getting to Toronto. So at this point, I am kind of leaning towards Long Beach. It is a little earlier than would be ideal, but it is relatively local. I'll decide in the next few weeks as I bring my training plan into the fall.
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