Sunday, August 24, 2008


The Great Magnetic Wife and I went up to Santa Barbara on Friday for the Santa Barbara Triathlon on Saturday. Because I didn't start looking for a hotel until about a month ago, we were unable to find anything close to Santa Barbara for under $400.0o a night. As a result we stayed in Oxnard and drove 30 miles to the triathlon. After the expo, where I picked up my participant's pack and took a quick swim, we were headed back to our hotel in Oxnard. 

We noticed a place from the freeway in Carpenteria called Smokey Joe's K.C Barbecue. Sounded good to us, so we got off to have dinner. As we were pulling up we saw the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile coming towards us on the other side of the street. Cool! I have always loved the Wiener Mobile. In fact, I have had a little Hot Wheels replica of the Wienermobile on my desk for about ten years. We parked to go to Smokey Joe's, but discovered, much to our disappointment, that it was out of business. 

As we turned around to go back to the car we saw the Wienermobile was parked. I knew I had to have a picture with it. The driver was not there. I assume he had probably stopped to have a dinner of Oscar Mayer Wieners, while secretly wishing that he was really an actual Oscar Mayer Wiener so that everybody would be in love with him. This was the big chance to take a picture of the Wienermobile, but since the driver was nowhere around, we were unable get to go inside.

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