I did my own little triathlon today. I met up with Tim Bomba at 6:15 for an early morning swim. We walked down the beach together, but since I was going to be running with the L.A. Leggers at 7:20, I went in the water before him and did about 3/4 of a mile. I rushed off to meet with the Leggers and got there about two minutes before we started running.
I decided to run with the 12 minute/mile pace group instead of my usual 11.5 group. I had a long training day ahead. I'm glad I did, it was a good workout, running six miles, but I still had plenty of energy left for my bike. The L.A. Roadrunners started their training today and there where times when it was quite crowded along the boardwalk in Santa Monica and Venice with all those dozens of pace groups and the usual tourists and beach rats and other assorted colorful characters.
I spotted a homeless guy who looked strikingly like Keith Richards. When I mentioned this to the Great Magnetic Wife she remarked that it could have been Keith Richards. She had a point. Other sightings included Iron Monica. We waved to each other and said, "hi" but since I was running by, I was unable to harass her about finally finishing her race report from Ironman Brazil. I also saw the Mayor of West Hollywood, John Heilman running with a pace group. I think it was an L.A. Legger pace group, but I am not certain.
The bike took me up PCH to Malibu where they were having the annual Malibu Chili Cookoff. I was tempted to stop, but didn't. I had energy bars and gels to keep me going.
Not a bad day of training. I came home, ate a hot dog and had a nap.
Tomorrow the plan is for forty miles on the bike followed by a five mile run. Monday will be a big day: two mile swim followed by sixty miles on the bike.
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