Monday, March 24, 2008


After months of worrying and doubt and thinking to myself that I am crazy to attempt a half-ironman, there was finally a moment that clicked on Saturday. I finally thought, "I can do this." I have attempted two very long brick workouts and was thwarted by bike problems on one and hip pain on the other. I had to give up. If this were race day, I might have gone on, but it wasn't and I have never completed anything close to the swim/bike/run distances of a half-ironman all in one day.

Saturday changed that. I did a one mile swim, a forty five mile ride and a seven mile run. The run was a little difficult because I am still experiencing some hip pain, but if it were race day, I could have kept going. I think I can do this!

I did about a half mile swim this morning and will do about twenty miles on the bike this evening. This is exciting.

John Thum

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