On Wednesday night, I took The Great Magnetic Wife to the airport. The mother is quite ill and she is going to visit her in New York. However, I also had my last session of a swim clinic I have been taking. As it was on the way to the airport, we stopped for the swim clinic before preceding to LAX.
We did lots of drills while one by one each of the participants was taped doing a lap. I think it will be quite instructive to see a video of myself swimming. On the last lap before I was to go, I got a little cramp in my legs. It is not that unusual for me to get cramps in my feet while swimming, but I can't remember cramps in my legs. I stretched out my legs a little and then it was time for me to be taped.
I started to cramp up a little while I was being taped, but not that bad. I was able to continue. Then shortly after I did my lap and I was about to swim back to the other side of the pool, I started to cramp in my calves and my quads like I have never done before in my life. The pain was excruciating. I couldn't even swim to the other side of the pool. I went to the edge and managed to back up the little pool-side ladder. By this time, Jamie Silber, who had been filming me had rushed over and helped me out. The Great Magnetic Wife was behind him by a few seconds. Jamie massaged my leg for about five to ten minutes until I could walk again. He was really quite helpful. I am grateful that he was there.
I have no idea why I cramped so badly. But I sure hope it never happens during a race. I would probably have to drop out.
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