Saturday, December 20, 2008

Heavy Boots Of Lead

I was going to run with the L.A. Leggers this morning, I set my alarm for 5:00 am, laid out all of my running gear and had everything ready to go. When the alarm went off, I thought, "I'll just lay her for a minute and then get up." I got up after what I thought was about a minute, but was really twenty. I drank my coffee, and realized there was no way I was going to make it in time. "Oh well, I'll just run by myself. It'll be a little warmer later anyway." I thought. 

The Great Magnetic Wife made bacon and eggs, I read a bit of the paper and then it was time to go. As I started to run, something just wasn't right. My legs really didn't want to move. It felt as if I were wearing lead boots. I trudged on for a couple of miles and then walked back. I haven't run much since the Ironman and I guess I am paying for it now. I do have a half-marathon in six weeks. I'll have to start to get back to some real training.

I think a truly terrible training day was what I needed to motivate me to start serious, everyday training. 

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