Saturday, December 29, 2007

Encouraging News

I got a great deal of encouragement today about my injury.  I went to the L.A Leggers run to seek out some advice on continuing my training for the L.A. Marathon from some of the Leggers.  I spoke with Bill Lockton, who seems to be the guy in charge and a very experience ultra long distance runner.  He was very encouraging in terms of me being able to recover in time to do the L.A. Marathon.  He said the conventional wisdom is that if you have done at least three eighteen mile training runs you will be able to do a marathon.  I have done one eighteen miler and I will somehow fit in two more by March.  I hope I can even do a twenty or twenty two mile run.  

I then talked to Curtis Blume, the mentor for my pace group, who is also currently not running because he broke some ribs while tripping on a run about a month ago, and he thought I would be fine.  He said don't try to keep the Leggers schedule, but get to where I can do a ten mile run and then every other week do a much longer run of fifteen to 20 miles.  Okay, I think I can do this.

After I talked to the Legger mentors I went down to lifeguard tower 26 with the hope of getting in an ocean swim.  Tim Bomba had email the Swim Better Looking yahoo group to see if anyone was up for a swim at 8:30 on Saturday.  I replied that I was, but not until rather late. I hadn't heard back, so I was not sure he was coming.  I don't like to swim in the ocean by myself and since he never showed I didn't swim.  I did, however, run into Jim Jones.  He came down for a walk on the beach.  We walked and talked and had a pretty good time.   

Later I jammed and my leg feels pretty good.  Life will be back to normal pretty soon.

John THum