Happy New Year from The Great Magnetic Field!
I looked back on my new year resolutions from 2009 and saw the getting a new place to live was at the top of the list. It was left over from 2008 and was the only resolution that was not accomplished in 2008. It took until December to do it, but The Great Magnetic Wife and I, along with our new dog, Rango, found a very nice house to move into.
After completing an Ironman triathlon in 2008, the only triathlon related goal was to have fun. I accomplished that and it was a good thing that I didn't set my sights any higher because I didn't complete a single triathlon in 2009. I got a DNF in the Pasadena Triathon after having mechanical problems on the bike. I was not feeling at all well on the day of the Redondo Beach Triathlon and so I didn't even start it. I did do a number of half marathons including Surf City, Pasadena, La Jolla and Fontana.
My resolutions for 2010 are again to have fun and run a lot with Rango when he is old enough to do so.
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