Thursday, September 10, 2009

I Like My Hat!

A couple of weeks ago, while on vacation at Sea Island, Georgia, I almost lost my Ironman finisher's hat. We were on a boating excursion around the islands and the wind caught my hat and it went overboard. My immediate reaction was, "oh,'s just a hat." However, the captain turned the boat around and I was able to reach over the side and grab it. I was happy. For the rest of the boating trip I did not wear it, not wanting to lose it again. By the end of the trip I was thinking that I was really glad to have my hat back.

I earned that hat. It took me a year of training and almost 15 and a half hours to be handed my Ironman hat. I noticed yesterday that I have worn the hat almost everyday since the day I almost lost it. My life would have gone on without any hat related unhappiness if I did not get it back, but I am really happy that I have my hat back.


HWHL said...

That was a nice boat captain to get your hat back and YES that is an Important Hat!

ɹǝƃƃolquǝʞoʇ said...

Looks good on you!