What can I say? Another big training weekend. Saturday started off with a six mile run with the L.A. Leggers, followed by an eighty mile bike ride. The original plan was for ninety miles and a three mile run afterwards, but my knee really started to hurt about seventy miles in and I just didn't want to risk injury. The good news is that after some rest, my knee felt fine the next day.
There is starting to get a little nip in the air. For much of the bike ride I sort of wished I had my arm warmers. I went up PCH for about thirty five miles and then turned around. I did have an unusual experience while climbing a hill in Malibu. As a pickup truck passed me going quite fast, a young surfer dude stuck his head out the window and yelled something that seemed like it was derogatory at me. I couldn't actually understand what he said, but the tone was such that he was obviously trying to put me down. From what I've heard, often the call is "get a car!" Which seems silly. Obviously, guys like me, sporting spandex and out for a ride in Malibu on a Saturday afternoon can probably afford a car. Oh well.
Sunday included a big swim in the ocean and another thirty miles on the bike after church.
John Thum
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