It was a very busy day yesterday. I had to vote, I had to go out to Mojave to the Hyundai-Kia Proving Ground for work, I went to "The Mental Side of Triathlon Training" seminar at 7:00, and, of course, I had to train.
Normally, I run for 40 to 50 minutes on Tuesday morning, but I was not going to be able to do that and vote and get to my first appointment in Mojave on time. I decided I would run after work. I did get to the Bally's West LA gym at around 5:30 and did some speed work on the treadmill. It was much harder than it should have been. I don't know why. I guess those one minute bursts of speed to eight minute/mile pace every five minutes did me in.
The seminar was good. Three motivational speakers from the telling us that we have choices in life. We can choose to be happy, we can choose to train, we can choose to striver for excellence or we can choose to make excuses. All things I have heard before and all things I intuitively know, but it is good to hear these things every once in a while. I also got a free DVD of "What The Bleep Do We Know?" a film that Tim Bomba, one of the speakers and one of my occasional swimming partners worked on.
John Thum
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