Monday, December 29, 2008


I have given thought to giving up this blog. After all, its purpose was to track my journey to becoming an Ironman and I achieved that. I also made it to a year of blogging. I thought it may be time to move on, however, on further reflection, I kind of like coming here and putting down my thoughts. I suspect I will not be posting as much as I did during the build-up to the Ironman, but I will continue to put up race reports and any significant training reports. I suspect I will also post more non-triathlon stuff in the coming year.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

First Anniversary Of The Great Magnetic Field

Today, December 28, 2008, is the one year anniversary of this blog. It started with a post about my plans to become and Ironman. It can be found here.

John Thum

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Cool New Toy... I Mean Tool

Just to prove that I can, I am creating this post from the iPhone that I gave to The Great Magnetic Wife for Christmas. It is so totally cool that it is hard to believe. I have a bad case of phone envy.

John Thum

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas one and all.

John Thum

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Heavy Boots Of Lead

I was going to run with the L.A. Leggers this morning, I set my alarm for 5:00 am, laid out all of my running gear and had everything ready to go. When the alarm went off, I thought, "I'll just lay her for a minute and then get up." I got up after what I thought was about a minute, but was really twenty. I drank my coffee, and realized there was no way I was going to make it in time. "Oh well, I'll just run by myself. It'll be a little warmer later anyway." I thought. 

The Great Magnetic Wife made bacon and eggs, I read a bit of the paper and then it was time to go. As I started to run, something just wasn't right. My legs really didn't want to move. It felt as if I were wearing lead boots. I trudged on for a couple of miles and then walked back. I haven't run much since the Ironman and I guess I am paying for it now. I do have a half-marathon in six weeks. I'll have to start to get back to some real training.

I think a truly terrible training day was what I needed to motivate me to start serious, everyday training. 

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Video Of The Finish

Here is a short clip of the Ironman Arizona, including my finish.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Getting Motivated Again

I have decided that I need a goal for 2009. I don't have one big goal like the Ironman, but think I have to have an event in front of me to keep me motivated. As a result I signed up for the Surf City Half Marathon. I am still trying to figure out what races I will do next year, but Surf City, with the coolest finishers medal of all time, will be the first. I feel more motivated already! On Super Bowl Sunday, February 1, 2009 I will run a half-marathon.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

New York, New York

There has been limited blogging in the last week or so because I had to suddenly go to New York for work. I didn't do much training, I mostly worked. Also, I was very cold there and I don't have any real cold weather running gear. I guess it was an extended post-Ironman rest week. That's what I keep telling myself.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Now What Do I Do?

It has come. I knew it would come, and it's here. There is sort of a post big-event let down that always happens. I have been living, dreaming, thinking and training for the Ironman for a year. I pushed through the doubts, the bad training days and all of the ups and downs of preparing for an Ironman. I ran through the whole thing in my mind everyday. Now, the thing is done and I feel somewhat aimless. After a few days off, I have continued to train, but with a lot less focus and purpose. I continue to run with the L.A. Leggers, in fact we are scheduled to run twenty miles this weekend, but there is no specific goal. I think I am going to have to figure out something or I am afraid I might lose interest.